... you've only been in the office 10 minutes and you've offended three people already... and you've not even spoken to them yet.
people were being offended by the amount of flesh i have on show. dude... its bloody hot. i'm wearing a little vest top. i only have my arms and not exactly cleavage showing.
people were being offended by a girl having visible tattoos. a girl? oh, they mean ME? dude... i have four little tattoos... three of which have been visible for the last couple of weeks.
people were being offended by my 'demonic' tattoo. i'm guessing they mean the pentacle on my upper arm? SO tempted to point out, a la Sam in the pilot, that a pentacle is PROTECTION
On the bright side... it was not monday LMAO
And i'm not feeling my usual PMS teary and/or homicidal self.
It was a very productive day though - I wrote that Chris/Steve making out in the rain ficlet. It's only like 600 words but it's purrful, even if I do say so myself *grins* It's currently with Bella for beta'ing and the ending needs working on, but it should be up by the end of the week, all things going to plan.
Although i DO still want a vanilla milkshake.
Seriously, starting to think the things don't exist *pout* I tried the supermarkets and petrol stations out near where I work AND I went to KFC.
Am almost tempted to go to McD's and get one because I WANT A VANILLA MILKSHAKE DAMNIT!
Also pouting cos Chelbean keeps poking me cos I forgot to post the morning wibble. LOL I managed to upload it to photobucket... just forgot to hit the 'post' button *facepalm*
So, slightly belatedly