FIC: Motionless

Sep 16, 2004 20:44

Title: Motionless
Author: Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan (
Author Web Page: Obsess, Much?
Fandom: RPS - Good Charlotte/Mest
Categories: Tony Lovato/Joel Madden, BDSM, PWP
Rating: NC17
Warnings: I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again; this is a BDSM Slash fic. For those who don’t know what BDSM is - think whips and chains. For those who don’t know what Slash is - think boy love. Yes, that’s right. Kinky sex between Tony & Joel. If you don’t like it, simple - don’t read. And don’t bother bitching or whinging at me, chances are I’ve heard it all before anyway!
Archive: Yes to list archives. All others please let me know where so I can come and preen, okay?
Thanks to: You, for reading this. Paul, for being patient and understanding when I disappear into the computer room for days on end to write.
Disclaimer: Tony Lovato & Benji & Joel Madden are real people, and the events in this story are just that - fictional, figments of my sick and twisted imagination. Hell, call it a fantasy if it makes you feel better. Whatever. No rumours should be started in regards to any events in these works of fiction. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes and no money is being made out of it.
Summary: Keep Still. It seems simple enough, but things are never that straightforward for Joel when it's an instruction from Tony

"Comfortable?" Tony asked, running his fingers through Joel's hair as he checked the ropes around his wrists and ankles

Joel nodded, leaning into the touch. "Yeah."

“Good. Now, lets see how good your balance is, shall we?” Tony looped another rope around Joel’s wrists, tugging his arms down, then pulling the rope taut, tied his ankles to his wrists. Joel whimpered softly, spreading his knees to adjust, tensing and struggling against his bonds. A sigh of Tony's name escaped his lips as his boyfriend’s arms wrapped around him. “How’s that?” He asked, nuzzling Joel’s neck. Without giving Joel chance to respond, Tony pulled away, watching Joel struggling to regain his balance, crying out as he over adjusted and pitched forward. Tony laughed and caught him before he hit the floor. “OK?” He asked as he righted him back to his knees.

Joel blushed. “Yeah, thanks.”

Tony nodded in response, kneeling in front of Joel and showing him the nipple clamps he had in his hand. “Ready?” He waited for Joel to nod before attaching them, pausing as he hissed. “OK?” He asked again, tightening them slightly.

“Uh huh.” Joel squirmed as he answered, frowning as Tony picked up a slim gold chain and attached it to the chain connecting the clamps. He watched as Tony, still holding the long chain, walked across the room. Joel yelped as the chain was pulled taut, tugging on his clamped nipples, and was tied around a hook on the wall.

"Nearly done," Tony promised, kissing Joel before kneeling down in front of him with another length of rope. Rope that he carefully wound around Joel's balls, securely tying it at the base of his cock, before threading it through his legs. Moving behind Joel, Tony pulled at the rope, ensuring it pressed against the base of the dildo in Joel's ass, pressing it harder in him. He then pulled the rope taut and tied it to an eyelet screwed to the floorboard. Rising to his feet, Tony stood directly behind Joel, and grabbing hold of his shoulders, pulled him backwards until he cried out, the chain attached to his nipples tightening painfully. He then pushed him forwards, again waiting for a cry of pain as his balls were constricted before letting him go. Moving in front of Joel, Tony crouched down and kissed him roughly, biting down on his lower lip, then lapping up the droplets of blood he’d drawn. “OK Joel, now this is very simple; all you have to do is stay completely still. Lean too far backwards and your nipples get it. Too far forwards and your balls get it. Got it?” Joel nodded and opened his mouth to reply, but Tony interrupted. “Good. Now, to make this just a touch more interesting...” He trailed off, sitting on the edge of the bed and picking up the remote control for the dildo, turning the vibrate function to maximum.

Joel’s reaction was instantaneous; his eyes growing wide, his body tensing as pleasure rushed through him. “Oh fu... Fu... Fu!” He broke off, breath coming in fast pants, his hips pressing back and down as he rocked against the vibrator. A loud yelp escaped him as he pulled on the chain connecting his nipples, pain sparking across his chest. He automatically leaned into the pain, pushing forward to try to ease it, tightening the rope around his balls, another yell of pain from his parted lips. His hands clenched into fists behind his back and he slowly forced himself to straighten up, desperately trying to ignore the throbbing of his chest and balls. Moaning softly, he rocked backwards and forwards, working out the limit of his movement, silent tears of pain and shock tracking down his cheeks. His jerking movements had shifted the vibrator and it now nudged against his prostate, white stars bursting in front of his eyes, tremors racing through him, threatening his precarious balance.

Wide-eyed with desperation, he looked up and met Tony’s eyes, gasping at the need he saw in them, his limbs trembling harder as the sight of Tony’s hand down his pants, furiously working his cock, fuelled his own need, his hips pressing back against the vibrator until he clenched his teeth, forcing himself to stay still. But it wasn’t easy; his instincts were screaming at him to rock against the vibrator, to get the touch he needed to bring himself off. His cock was diamond hard and drooling copious amounts of pre-come but the pressure of the rope on his balls was keeping him from reaching climax. He whimpered and bit down on his lower lip to stifle his cries as he rocked back as much as he could without hurting himself, but it just wasn’t enough.

“Tony...” He shined, a desperate plea roughing his voice. “Please. I need... I can’t... Tony, please!”

Tony chuckled and knelt down in front of Joel, cupping his cheek in his hand as he leaned forward o kiss him gently. “Yes you can. All you have to do is stay still, stay completely still and nothing gets hurt.”

Joel shook his head, tongue flickering out over dry lips. “No,” he moaned. “Not... I... I need to... To... C... Come... Tony, please...”

Tony raised an eyebrow. “Then come,” he said dismissively, starting to pull away and stand up again. “I don’t remember saying you weren’t allowed to…”

“I know,” Joel whimpered. “But I can’t…” There was a whining tone to his voice and Joel knew he was begging but was past caring. “The rope… I can’t… Tony, please…”

“This rope?” Tony asked innocently, running his fingers along it, caressing the ‘v’ of Joel’s legs, his cock and his balls. He grinned at the strangled moan as Joel thrust up into his hand, the rope once again tightening and pulling against his balls. “So,” Tony continued after Joel had stilled. “You’re saying that you want me to untie this rope?”

“Y…Y… Yes!”

“Hmm… I think you’re going to have to earn that,” Tony decided after a couple of minutes. Bracing himself on Joel’s shoulders, he pushed himself to his feet, his erection in Joel’s face. “Lick it,” he instructed, his grip tightening as Joel’s tongue flickered out over the head. “Oh yeah, just like that…” he encouraged, throwing his head back, lips parted as Joel’s tongue dragged along his hard on, flickering again over the head, licking along his length. “Now take me into your mouth, just the tip, and suck,” Tony ordered, eyes sliding closed, panting for breath. “Oh fuck, Joel!” With a low groan, Tony shifted his grip on Joel and slammed his cock hard into Joel’s mouth, thrusting fully in and out until he exploded, flooding Joel’s throat with his come. “Damn you’re good at that,” Tony gasped moments later, sliding to the floor as he legs gave out. He sat up and kissed Joel hard, fucking his mouth with his tongue, tasting himself.

Unclipping the chain from Joel’s nipples, Tony reached between his legs again, this time to untie the rope. Rolling Joel’s balls in one hand, he slowly pumped his cock with the other as he kissed him. “That better, baby?” He asked, moving away to sit on the edge of the bed, knees spread wide, elbows resting on his knees. “Think you can come now?”

Joel groaned, his eyelids fluttering closed as he sank back down on the vibrator. His hips thrusting desperately against it, fingers scrabbling against thin air, the muscles in his legs trembling. A tremor ran through him and he threw his head back, mewls of need escaping him as his orgasm shot through him. His mewls became a constant low whine, white light bursting behind his eyelids as his shaking body fell forward, caught by Tony before he hit the floor.

"Guess that was a yes," Tony muttered half to himself, quickly untying Joel's wrists and ankles, shifting him onto his lap and running the backs of his fingers down Joel's face, kissing him lightly on the forehead. He smiled softly at him as dazed brown eyes blinked open and met his, a shy smile greeting him. "Hey."

"Hey yourself," Joel replied, stretching and arching his back before leaning up and kissing Tony, cupping his head in his hands. "That was… intense."

Tony nodded. "It was," he agreed and pulled Joel to his feet, then over to the bed. "But…" he grinned. "You seemed to have difficulty staying still."

"Really?" Joel raised an eyebrow as he curled up on the bed, his head resting on Tony's chest, arms wrapped around him. "Guess that's something we'll have to practice, then…"

~El Fin~

mest, fanfiction, good charlotte, tony lovato/joel madden

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