Title: Morning Glory
Author: Cassie
badfalconFandom: RPS
Categories: Steve Carlson/Riley Smith, PWP
Rating: NC-17
Thanks to: You, for reading.
bellasianna, as ever, for the beta, handholding, hair braiding and encouragement.
Disclaimer: Steve Carlson and Riley Smith are real people, and the events in this story are just that - fictional, figments of my sick and
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Now. *g* I don't think I've read Steve/Riley before... not much of that out there...? Oh well. That was HHHOOOTTT! Did I mention Shower!Sex kink? Mrrawr! *fans herself and eyes the shower* Hm... no Steve. Bummer. *lol*
Oh, here via chrisandsteve.
and no - I've never seen any steve/riley before... i just felt like writing it because.. well just because, really hehe
And I think "just because, really" is an excellent reason! *lol*
And ummm stupid question, maybe, but what does the tag "ITBN" stand for...? *confused*
ITBN is... the Incestuous Texas Boy Network
cos its a lot easier to say than 'jensen, jared, jeff, chris, steve, jason, riley, etc' (the etc generally including, but not limited to, boreanaz, welling & rosenbaum)
Priceless!! I learn new things here every day... *grins*
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