Jun 04, 2008 13:38
So, I ended up calling in to work around 06:15 - I was so tired that the cold had gotten right into my hips... I could barely move and while yes, I would have been capable of doing my job, it would have been too dangerous for me to have driven... even after downing a can of that energy drink... Relentless, is it called?
Anyway, I left work an answer phone message carrying on the story from yesterday - told them I'd not been to sleep, was still in Telford cos my mum had been knocked really badly by the anaesthetic... then promptly dropped off.
I woke up around 09:00 and LOL I was on top the covers, still fully dressed and still had my shoes on! I pulled my pyjamas on and crawled back under my duvet and slept for a couple more hours.
My joints are still cold and achy though *pout*
Oh Deep Heat, how I do love you!
(even if you fucking STINK)
Have fast come to conclusion should have booked both days off LMAO
The south coast, it seems, is a good couple hours too far to drive home from after a gig
oh well, you live and learn
Now, I'm curled up, listening to music, marvelling over exactly how random my itunes can be and working more on the Riley spanking fic