(no subject)

Mar 26, 2008 07:02

Wednesday morning. And hopefully today I'll have my own internet connection *crosses fingers* Not that I'm not grateful to Richard for his unsecured network but it's just slow and unreliable and pretty darn annoying, to be truthful! LOL

I got fuck all done last night. Got in from work, made myself some pasta and... vegged. I needed to go to Asda, needed to put petrol in my car, wanted to sort out my ornaments, makeup, jewellery etc, wanted to blog about work but nope... was just back to being utterly exhausted and drained.
I know I just need to get used to the new routine and I know it's going to take me a couple of weeks but meh.

I'm starting to get my sleep cycle back though, so that's always good. Only woke up once that I'm aware of during the night and that was at about 04:00.

Need to leave the house in 25 minutes... still not even gotten out of bed yet.
It's so tempting to not, to call in to work, cry down the phone at Jackie and spend the day doing more sorting - cos I know this room being an unsorted state isn't helping because I don't know where anything is and I'm all out of control, y'know? And then in the evening's I have no energy to do anything...

Oh well, I really need to get out of bed, into the shower, get dressed and get to the petrol station. So I shall be leaving you with

house, life, the morning wibble, work, lauren ambrose

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