It's perfectly ok to be a happy individual

Oct 24, 2007 07:34

Do you think anything is ever going to go smoothly when I try and do anything?

Chel texts me as I'm leaving work to tell me there's delays on the trains, so the first thing I do when I got to the train station was check my train. It said 'on time'. So I walk back, pay for parking, buy a ticket. By the time I get back to the station, it's 9 minutes late. Over the course of the next 10 minutes... its now over an hour late.

So, I decide to drive into Wolverhampton.
Only... come off the M54 a junction early, toddle down the A41 and hit city centre from the wrong angle... managed to only miss the train station once, and luckily there was a roundabout so yay.

Had something to eat in KFC where um... we saw this guy that looked familiar. I sat there or ages trying to figure it out, so I asked Chel. Chel looks, and starts giggling - turns out he's one of the truck drivers from the GC tour. He left just in front of us and held the door open for us and um... he recognised us. Not to say anything but there was that nod of 'i know you but i don't know why
*sighs hangs head in shame*

We managed to completely miss Army of Freshman.
We missed them at Lars in May, Reel Big Fish in June and BFS in October.
We will see them soon.

Zebrahead were ok but kinda faded into background music

Bloodhound Gang were shite. Very disappointed

Bowling For Soup, naturally, kicked ass. I had a fucking huge grin on my face all evening, singin along top of my lungs. Actually kept my tits in this time - even if they did get the 'get your tits out for the lads' going but I restrained and remained fully clothed this time. Aren't you proud?

They did Hometown, Emily, The Bitch Song, Ohio, the Last Rock Show, Punk Rock 101, High School Never Ends, 1985, Almost, When We Die, Belgium, Girl All the Bad Guys Want, Get Happy, I'm Gay.
Jaret mooned.
Chris danced.
Yeah, it was a typical, relaxed, enjoyable, kick-ass awesome BFS gig.
Can't wait for next time *grins*

Chel asked for a Jaret wibble. But one doesn't exist. I've been looking for the last 15 minutes. So you can have

concerts, metallicar, jensen ackles, the morning wibble, jared padalecki, bowling for soup

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