
Sep 30, 2007 22:53

You know it would be really nice, even if its just the once, to have a friend that makes the effort. I get the message though, loud and clear. same as ever. it's all just too much like hard work and you can't be fucking bothered
but then why should you, when I do?
But you know what?
Not any more. No more excuses - I'm fed up to the back teeth of hearing them
From now on, I can't be fucking bothered either.

Just realised that I didn't post wibbles today. I guess not feeling 100% and sleeping/watching supernatural for the whole day has that affect on me.

Anyways, for original_kaos, here is

Oh, and you should all go and check out jade_rachel's new website A Walking Contradiction

internet, wentworth miller, friends, the sunday bonus wibble

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