Jan 21, 2007 08:01
SFX magazine has a regular "Wish-list" feature where they say what people want about a forthcoming show/movie. They're now asking for people's wishes for Torchwood's second season.
So... I started writing one.
Only it turned into something of a wish-essay, And I do think I'm going to email it to SFX...
I know I'm probably state the blatantly obvious here but guys, I honestly spent a good hour thinking and typing this out, these are my thoughts so please no... y'know... swiping any of it as your own
(and sorry but you know I've had serious plagiarism issues lately and I'm still majorly paranoid about anything I write being stolen :()
I want to see so much more character development.. the potential they have, both as individual characters and the relationships between them, both platonic and romantic/sexual is hufe... there is such a tangled web of emotions and relations in that group... I want to see it expanded on, delved into.
(and this web seems to, one way or another, revolve around Owen)
Gwen/Rhys - Gwen was so heartbroken when Rhys was killed in End Of Days... I seriously hope its the wakeup call she needs to stop screwing around with Owen and sort out her relationship with Rhys...they're such an adorable couple.
Gwen/Owen - I don't feel it, I don't like it... but yes it makes sense and I'm kind of curious to see the progression of the Gwen/Owen/Rhys.. although I do want her, as I said, to sort things out with Rhys.
Tosh/Owen - utterly one-sided. Tosh totally has a thing for Owen... I mean in Countrycide, she was so specific down to the TIME she kissed him. And now that Owen knows... thats not something I can just see him ignoring/forgetting about.
Tosh/Gwen - Tosh is so very jealous of the Gwen/Owen thing, I want to see more of this. They've sniped at each other too: Tosh in Countrycide, Gwen in Greeks Bearing Gifts. This could be an interesting - i dont want to say rivalry as such but it has potential
Gwen/Jack - I'm not denying there's a mutal attraction between the two of them. I also don't think either of them are going to act on it - they respect each other too much. Jack needs to flirt with her more though.
I see more btween these two as... Gwen being Jack's, well basically being his humanity. She's what's grounding him to being 'human in the 21st century' He trusts her, he confides in her. She believes in him.
Jack/Owen - I honestly feel that Owen sees Jack as a... as a paternal figure. He almost seems to crave Jack's approval and seems to take it very personally when Jack rebukes him. The whole 'I forgive you' scene was very moving and telling
Ianto/Owen - I really want to see more of this rivalry, this power struggle between the two of those. It was too firey to be swept under the rug and, especially with Jack missing should be boiling along quite nicely.It's not really something I can see either of them forgiving and forgetting... the comments that were made, the shot that was fired.
Also, I think Owen's jealous of how close Jack & Ianto are. Not in a sexual way, but the paternal side of the relationship
Which of course leads us nicely into
Jack/Ianto - I ship. I admit that. But there's definitely something going on between them. I don't know whether its a 'part-time shag', whether there is a relationship, or whether its just the flirting banter. Personally, I rather think/hope there is a relationship, but I like how its not shoved in our faces, its just part of the characters. Ianto seems to blossom when he's with Jack.
Speaking of Ianto, damn do I want character development by the shitload for this boy. He has SUCH potential and he's so so so neglected. He's emotional, very emotional and, as Owen and Jack can both attest to, when his emotions get the better of him, he's a very dangerous young man. He's intelligent, he's resourceful, he's alway one step ahead of the others, he's very dry/witty...
I'm not just saying this as a huge Ianto fan but if he gets ignored again in S2, especially after the character build up/explosion he had in Captain Jack Harkness... for the rest of the time to just blank him again will be a travesty.
Also when it comes to character... I'm going to be very interested in Jack's development. Obviously, a lot of this is going to depend on what happens in the Doctor Who episodes, but I'm dying to know the obvious shit like how he got to 21st Century Cardiff, how he's heading Torchwood, why he can't die, what his big purpose is, WHO he is...
I would also like to see a little more of the personality he had when we first met him in Doctor Who as well... the tall dark broody with a billowy coat... God, just take Angel's soul away from him already *laugh*
I'm really looking forward Jack's return to Torchwood... there are so many different ways that scene could be handled, so many different ways Owen, Gwen, Tosh & Ianto can react to both his disappearance and subsequent reappearance. I want to see fall out, I want to see reactions and emotions, I want to see them dealing with that, dealing with the events of Captain Jack Harkness and End Of Days
I'm... actually kind of hoping we get like.... like the first episode will be Jack-less... he'll reappear at the end of it... I'm really curious to see the dynamics of the team without him being there again... especially between Owen and Ianto. Just seeing how they work.
I don't want him to swoop in and save the day at the last minute. I want the team to function without him. I want him to just like... walk through the door at the end of the episode sort of thing.
The one other thing from the first season I want to see expanded on is the whole 'the 21st century's when it all changes... and you gotta be ready'
That's been such the big issue, the total tag line for the show... yet we're still so in the dark about WTF that actually means.. it hasn't been used and again the potential for that is massive.