Cassie is a total geek!

Jan 03, 2007 13:57

Oh yes! Guess who just gotted herself a weekend pass for the 2007 Torchwood convention in Birmingham... yup, that would be me.
Can we say 'Cassie is totally fucking obsessed with Torchwood'
Yup, thought we could. It's true.
'Bad Wolf is a two day convention celebrating Doctor Who and Torchwood, with celebrity guests from both shows.'
Oh, and one of the celebrity guests they've announced just so happens to be... *drum roll please' Gareth David-Lloyd.

The con is in Birmingham the weekend before my birthday which just makes it even more kick ass, really. *giggles and bounces*

Chel's non-too-happy about being dragged off to it.
I sowee Chel :(
But, well, you did say that if it was free you'd come.

See... the website states 'Wheelchair-bound attendees are required to pay the FULL entrance price, but may be accompanied by an assistant at NO extra cost. Provisions will be made for Wheelchair-bound attendees to sit at the front of the guest talks.'
And me, being me, takes great offence at that... don't see why as a disabled person I should be discriminated again just because I'm not in a wheelchair...
So, I rings them up, asks and voila! Walking Disabled get their carers in free too
Kick ass!

Now, where can I get a Kiss me, it's my birthday badge from?
*bounces around muchly, desperately hoping for a birthday kiss from Ianto*

fangirling, torchwood, convention

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