I'd felt rough all weekend, dealing with what the internet tells me was a migraine hangover - I still had a headache, I was barely staying awake more than 3-4 hours at a time. So when yesterday morning rolled around, I was on the phone to the Drs office as soon as they opened, then called into work sick.
I get to the Drs and get asked if I mind being seen by a trainee, supervised by a qualified GP. Of course I don't mind.
I started telling her what was wrong and promptly burst into tears. Told her everything about the crappy situation in work, how I'm not doing so good, I'm losing concentration and memory, not sleeping, having nightmares. I told her how I spent 10 minutes looking for my keys this morning and they were already in my bag, how I'm not eating because I have no decision-making abilities and choosing what to eat is too big.
She's signed me off for a week with stress and anxiety, go back next Monday if no feeling any better. She's also told me to call my mental health team.
My boss was... not impressed. Part of the situation at work is that we're very short staffed right now and me being off isn't helping. But, as Dr said, staffing levels aren't my worry. And, by signing me off, it's like I've been given permission somehow to not worry about it.
In related news: I have a job interview for a different job tomorrow
My Music Monday posts tend to be my most-played track of last week as per my last.fm scrobbles. Last week was one of my new favourites of the last year, Blue County
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I don't know what it is about their music but it's very ear-worm-y to me. This is not a complaint because I've completely fallen in love with them.