Still sick

May 01, 2019 21:16

Today was supposed to have been my first day back at work after my annual leave but I called in sick. When I called my boss at 7 this morning, I was croaking and coughing, she said I sounded rough and told me to go back to bed. Which I did, passed out and didn't wake up until gone 11 ( Read more... )

work, movies, raintown, pictures, health, riley smith

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Comments 4

brunettepet May 4 2019, 13:09:46 UTC
Enjoy your fangirling and feel better soon.


shanachie_quill May 5 2019, 02:09:30 UTC
I hope you feel better soon! But those are happy looking pictures. And sounds like the movie was just the treat.


snogged May 5 2019, 13:05:50 UTC
Hope you feel better asap!


ami_ven May 7 2019, 06:28:39 UTC
Feel better soon, dear!


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