I should tell you

Feb 03, 2019 19:06

I've opened up this post an entry box a bunch of times last week, to talk about what a weird week it was. It was one of those weeks that was completely discombobulated, I spent most of the week not having a clue what day of the week I was on and just... but I couldn't quite get the words out and the blinky cursor was mocking me.

It didn't help that I spent most of the week taking painkillers. Naproxen and cocodamol were my friends. It's been cold and damp here, very cold and damp, and I can't even stand for five minutes to do the dishes right now so I've been hobbling around on my crutches.

And that, of course, has an impact on my already fragile state of mental health. It's all good fun being me sometimes. HAH!

I'm supposed to be driving up to Scotland on Thursday to see Raintown, so that's making me a little anxious about my ability to physically do that. I've got a lot of anxiety about the trip anyway, it's a town I've not been to, it's a venue I don't know and the only people I know who are going to be there are going to be on stage. I'm completely broke, don't know how far my car goes on a tank of petrol because I've never driven it on a long journey before and it's all just *flail* I'm sure I'll be fine once I get on the road on Thursday morning.

But I do know that once I get to Kirkcaldy, all I have to do is text Paul & Claire if I start panicking or anything. And I also discovered my friend Jessica lives in the area so we're planning on meeting up on Friday if possible.

I didn't sleep particularly well last night. I think mostly due to pain; couldn't find a comfortable position and every time I moved I woke up again. I had bizarre dreams about trying to get from a Raintown gig in Paris to a Raintown gig in Glasgow and only had 12 hours to get there. There was also something about a bar that didn't sell soft drinks and Paul (from Raintown) not wanting a croissant and this hunt for a donut around the Eiffel Tower.

I also dreamed that Anthony Rapp was narrating my life in song. I'm low-key obsessed with Rent right now. All the talk of the new one made me go back and fall in love with the old one. I've had La Vie Boheme in my head all week - not a song you want to start singing under your breath in the office. And then I watched the new Rent and... not sure what I felt about it. But that combined with the new season of Discovery I think is where that bit of the dream came from.

But I tweeted about it. And he liked it. And I'm sitting here hiding under a blankie having a fangirl moment.

anthony rapp, dreams, health, rent, concerts, fangirling, life, cassie is a geek, friends, raintown

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