Self-Care Saturday

Jan 19, 2019 10:23

I have slept, normally, the last two nights. Without the help of sleeping tablets, and a normal eight hours, rather than either just four or twelve. I'm not going to lie, I feel pretty awesome for it. Still very low, still pretty lethargic and blah but definitely more llama than I have been for the last week or so. I suspect a lot of it is sleep-related but also TOM has ceased so that will help as well.

I'm taking a self-care day today. There is me, my couch, my blankie and all the TV I need to catch up on this week - the list, in no particular order, includes Criminal Minds, The Gifted, MacGyver, The Good Doctor, Bull, NCIS, NCIS LA, NCIS NO and Supernatural. I suspect today will also include playing many levels of various Match-3 games on my phone, working on the edits of the Sam/Daniel, working on writing more of the Sam/Janet and some reading of The Secret History (still pretentious waffle but there's now a plot which is intriguing!)
Currently watching Criminal Minds 13x13 and eating a breakfast of champions of a PBJ and a banana.

snowflake_challenge's Day 13 was all about goals so, because I know a little sense of what I've managed to achieve this year will be good for me on a self-care day, rather than setting goals as the challenge suggests, I'm going to look at the ones I set already:
read more books I started off strong and read two books really quickly but then got a little bogged down with The Secret History. It is now picking up and I'm more interested in finishing it, hoping to get a good chunk read this weekend. According to Goodreads, I am still one book ahead of schedule with my goal of reading 40 books
write more I'm lagging behind quite badly of my 150k goal on
getyourwords but I know I've already written more words this year than I did in the whole of 2018. I've posted a fic, I've got two more beta'd, I've made good progress in the Sam/Janet. My goal for next week is to start working on my after work routine. I want it to be gentle exercise, cook, do dishes, one housework chore and then sit down and write/watch TV. I definitely want to get 'writing' into the routine.
blog more I started off strong with the , and it's definitely got me all excited to keep the momentum going although I have no idea what I'm going to talk about going forward. I know a few people on my flist have said the same thing as well, so it's nice to know I'm not alone in that. I'm also really hoping my mental health isn't going to stop me again this year and currently determined to keep going!
Keep stalking Raintown Kirkcaldy on the 7th February, Livingston on the 27th April. I'm also half-wondering if I can go to France in May for their first gig over there. Non-Raintown gigs planned for the year so far include Jason Manns, Blue County and Emma Stevens
Lose 28lb I'm down 3lb so far, making much healthier choices at least 5 days a week but allowing myself a 'cheat day' on a Friday. I've stopped going to the vending machine at work, I'm drinking more water, I'm intentionally including more fruit and vegetables in my day. I'm hoping to start including gentle exercise, walking at least 1/4 mile but ongoing joint and pain issues are making this tricky.

So, all things considered, that's not a bad start to 2019 considering we're only 19 days in. That's definitely making me feel better. I'm starting 'treatment' for my mental health issues on Monday, and while I'm a little scared - fear of the unknown - I'm hopeful for improvement and finding myself again.

I'm feeling good things about this year

weight, tv, goals, self-care, concerts, fanfiction, reading, mental health, sleep, blogging, raintown

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