Blogging in 2018 and into 2019

Jan 05, 2019 17:43

You can get card with your statistics here!

Which, honestly, I find 'pro blogger' to be a bizarre concept because I spent most of the year wishing I spent more time blogging. Huh. Just goes to show.

Anyhow, apologies for the lack of presence over the last couple of days. Back to work on Wednesday took it right out of me. I've been completely exhausted every evening, spent the night tossing and turning then used up all my energy at work during the day.

Work has been frustrating. So many people are still off until Monday that I still feel like I'm spinning my wheels, waiting for people to get back in the office to resolve queries so that I can make payments. I seem to be completely up-to-date most days in the week, my inbox has been down to zero, my processing queries are zero and I can't progress on any payments because I'm waiting for other people.

Pretty much all I've achieved this week, other than work and not-sleeping, is reading. I finished Pet Semetary and I'm like 80% done with One Christmas In Paris. I'm hoping to finish that this weekend and make a start on either 'Salem's Lot or The Secret History.

Writing-wise, not very successful due to brain-dead-ness. I've written 390 words of a Jack/Daniel with jealous Daniel and 330 words of a Sam/Janet PWP. I'm 924 words behind on my
getyourwordsout goal but that could be sorted this weekend if I find a brain.

To-Do List January 5th
  • write meal plan & shopping list
  • Wash one load of laundry
  • Fold clean laundry and put away
  • Take out rubbish/recyling
  • dishes - wash, dry, put away
  • clear kitchen table
  • clear kitchen counters
  • Empty bathroom bin
  • Clean bathroom
    • wipe down tub
    • wipe down sink
    • pour bleach down toilet
    • sweep floor
  • sort out crap on bedroom floor
  • clear & wipe down nightstand and chest of drawers
  • clear & wipe down coffee table, desk and mantel
  • sweep porch
  • catch up on
  • sort DW icons
  • write 1000 words of Sam/Janet PWP
  • finish reading One Christmas In Paris

But first, I finish my breakfast and this episode of Preacher.

fanfiction, reading, work, blogging, to do list

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