A life that's good

May 07, 2018 19:14

It's Bank Holiday Monday and the sun has been shining all day long. It's been glorious weather. What is this tomfoolery? Have I fallen into some kind of alternate reality? Not that I'm complaining, it's just a very unusual happenstance.

Saturday and yesterday, other than grocery shopping, I did absolutely nothing. Hell, yesterday, I didn't even get out of bed. With how stressed and depressed I'd got towards the end of last night, it was really really needed. I could tell I was starting to feel better when I started feeling like I'd wasted the whole weekend.

I wrote myself a wee to-do list for today. I forgot to turn my alarms off so I was up by 8, stripped the bed, and opened all the windows. After the winter duvet had aired, I put it into storage and pulled out the summer duvet. I've remade the bed. I've picked up and taken out all the rubbish and recycling from around the flat. I've done all the dishes. I've watched NCIS LA, Timeless, Touch and Tyrant. I've poked Pinterest for monthly goals/habit trackers bullet journal layouts. I've cooked. I've eaten. I've mostly hydrated. I wrote a blogging schedule.

The only other thing I've like to accomplish tonight is to write a minimum of 100 words.

But right now I'm taking the time to sit down, ease aching hips (they don't like doing bedding), have a drink watching Tyrant 1x02 and recognise that for the most part, life right now... it's pretty good

house, weather, life

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