Feb 01, 2018 12:35
I had to ring a supplier in Germany in work today and I managed to hold the majority of the conversation in (admittedly faltering and basic) German. I did start the call by asking if they spoke English and got a reply in German that she didn't speak it very well.
OK, I thinks, so lets try and continue this in German. I ask her to be patient because my German isn't very good.
I was able to ask to speak to accounts, I was able to say why I was calling, where I was calling from and I was able to get confirmation of bank details. I had to ask them to speak a little slower but once they slowed down, I understood them. They understood me. I mean I had to look up a few words on google translate because I had no idea how to say 'accounts' or 'confirm bank details'
At the end of the call, she said I spoke German very well! *beams*
And, of course, everyone around me was gaping because I just held a work conversation in a different language LOL
cassie is a geek,