thefridayfive for 1 December 2017

Dec 03, 2017 16:54

Top Fives!

Favorite Movies Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Empire Records, Velvet Goldmine, Stigmata
Biggest Pet Peeves people driving the wrong way around a one-way car park, homophobia, when I get a voicemail that's just someone hanging up, people who are constantly staring at their phones, websites with pop-ups asking you to join up
Favorite jokes // The answers [if needed] Oh god, I'm no good at jokes... um...
What do you call a dinosaur with one eye? Doyouthinkhesawus
I asked a librarian for a book about Pavlov's dogs and Schrodinger's cat.. She said it rang a bell, but she didn't know if it was there or not.
Dream jobs // Why Librarian (books!), Writer (well, I do it anyway but getting paid for it would be cool), Lady Of Leisure
Traits you look for in a good friend geeky-ness, low energy levels, honesty, easy to talk to, understanding of my mental health/physical disability limitations

friday five, cassie is a geek, work, movies, friends

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