(no subject)

May 07, 2017 17:48

I stood on the scales this morning and was pleased to see them go down to 14th 14/200lb - I've lost all the weight I put back on since March after buggering up my knee and the meds making me want to eat everything in sight. Of course, that does mean that with Collectormania only being 4 weeks, I'm not gonna hit that target of 13st/182lb... it's not just possible to lose 18lb in 4 weeks - and do it healthily. So the goal is to lose between 4 and 7lb in 4 weeks. I was averaging around 1.5lb a week so that should be more than achievable, especially if I'm really firm with myself over eating chocolate etc and make sure I have fruit or carrots or something else instead.
So there we go. Collectormania/Browder/Shanks/Raintown goal is 196lb. I can do that!

I did make it as far as Tesco, did my grocery shopping and was in an out in just over 12 minutes. I did dishes, I did laundry. I then sat down to eat my lunch, read The Martian(which I amLOVING) and listen to Metallica.... and my hip wasn't exactly impressed with the idea of me getting back up again. So sadly I didn't get as much housework done as I would like but I have had another relaxing afternoon watching TV.

I finished S1 of Lie To Me. Thoroughly enjoyed it and have S2 queued up to acquire when I have less on my to-watch list.

Now I'm having a nice little meal of some cheese risotto, beef and mixed veg, plenty of leftovers for my lunch tomorrow and watching an episode of Numb3rs. It's new to me and I am fast falling in love - with both the show and Charlie. I want to introduce him to Blair Sandburg and Daniel Jackson... I really do have such a type *snort*

weight, tv, food, shopping, health

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