Mischief Managed

Apr 23, 2017 13:19

As I mentioned briefly in the wibble earlier, 'Operation Surprise Raintown in Newcastle' was a roaring success. It seems I have managed to completely keep it seekrit that I was going and they were so surprised and chuffed that I was there. So win,

Raintown, for those who are new around here and not used to me rambling about them all the time are a Scottish band who I LOVE.
They're classed as UK Country, have won many UKCM & BCMA awards and play C2C most years but I would honestly class them more as pop/rock but hey. I've been following them round for almost four years now and am classed as 'part of the family' and 'official stalker' - both according to Paul & Claire.
You should definitely check them out on youtube, stop by on their facebook page or say hi to them on twitter - and tell them Cassie sent you LMAO

OK shameless pimping of my favourite people almost done... let's get back on to shenanigan discussions. Yes, yes, it still involves Raintown but y'know!

Less of a win was the getting there. My knees really didn't like the drive and I was hurting quite badly by the time I got there. I then got stupidly lost trying to find the venue - I was at the point of tears when I found it. Figured I'd go off to the Castle for the afternoon like was originally planned but again I got lost and stuck in the one-way system so... I gave up and went to my hotel.

I was also having an issue where my jeans were refusing to jean. My brand new size 18 skinny jeans were falling off my ass. Which on the one hand is awesome but bloody annoying when one is trying to shenanigan. Checked into the Travelodge, had all the food at the Toby Carvery next door then had a long, hot, soak in a bubble bath while reading. An hour or so later I was nicely de-stressed, and decided that I would get an uber to the venue. Couldn't really afford it but figured lack of stress and anxiety was WAY more important.

I got the venue about half hour before doors, started the queue. Of course. By the time doors opened there was actually a queue which made me giddy as all hell. And of course I was chatting away to most of them. Lack of anxiety for the WIN.

There were a lot of stairs so I took the lift down but a couple of the women I was with said that they knew I was there first and they'd save me a seat at the front. And they had - front centre. Thank you, Linda and Nichola!

Get down to handing over tickets and Jim is working the door. Jim is basically their tour manager and I've got to know him over the last couple years. He takes my ticket, looks up and his eyes just go wide. "Cassie! I didn't know you were coming! They didn't say you were coming!" and he jumps to his feet and gives me a hug. His smile when I told him Paul & Claire didn't know I was there. He assures me they'll be over the moon and tells me to go get my seat.

First support act: Jinksi. Um. Completely unmemorable. I can't remember anything about them, or how their music sounded and it's not even been 48 hours so yeah
Second support art: Lee Paul. Oh, we like him. I'm pretty sure I've seen him before; he looked familiar, he songs sounded familiar. He mentioned C2C so maybe there one year? But regardless, LIKE!

Raintown. Were bloody amazing. It was easily one of the best atmosphere gigs I've seen from them lately. The crowd were really into it. There weren't a lot of us (less than 100) but ah it was awesome.
Stevie, Scott and John in the band all saw me as they were setting up. A 'what are you doing here?' from Stevie *grins*
Claire spotted me before the end of the first line of the first song LMAO. Her entire face lit up and she couldn't stop grinning at me. It was a wonderful reaction. Paul just kept looking at me, then looking at Claire, then frowning and looking at me. I waved at him and he beamed. Talking to him afterwards and he said he thought he was seeing things because I was there and I wasn't supposed to be! *giggles* I'm pretty sure there's better things for him to hallucinate than me but how sweet?!

And, bless them! When they did the 'thanks for coming out Newcastle' and 'It's always nice to see a few familiar faces... including a surprise!' ♥

I do feel sorry for people sitting next to me at that gig though; I cannot stay still and chairdance constantly. Although it was nice to

I'd been wanting to surprise them like it for a while and it was worth it, even if it killed me keeping the secret. Their reactions were priceless and I wish I'd been able to get pictures; especially the way Claire started grinning!

Sadly I can't make the next couple of gigs (Inverness & Skye are at month end (plus Paul has already told me 'it's too far for you to drive' - did he miss that I've already been up to Inverness for them once?). Glasgow is the day before Collectormania) so it's gonna be Manchester in June before I see them again *sadface*

Saturday morning I woke up and oh I hurt. And, that, combined with the way my jeans kept falling down, I decided - sadly - not to do any touristing. I will get back up there one weekend for a proper weekend of sight-seeing though!

I popped my legs up under a pillow, listened to music and read until it was time to check out of the hotel. I was texting back and forth with Paul & Claire; I'd texted them to let them know I'd got back to my hotel the previous night, I woke up to a text sent in the wee hours that they'd got back to Glasgow ok, then another flurry of texts telling me how lovely it was to see me, thanking me for the surprise, how much they appreciated it, wishing me a safe drive home and telling me to text them when I get home

I also had message from Paul's sister & mum, and Claire's mum telling me how thrilled they were - when Paul & Claire call me part of the family? they mean family!

I swear sometimes I'm not sure if I'm a bigger fan of them, or they of me. I really do love them, roll on Manchester!

newcastle, concerts, raintown

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