I solemnly swear I am up to no good!

Apr 20, 2017 21:01

I have finished work for the week, I have another four day weekend ahead of me. Wheee. It was a busy workday including an hour and a half webinar/meeting with our processing team in India about the errors they've been making. It was hard going with language barriers but I think we've managed to get some points across so fingers crossed we see an improvement in both indexing and stupid errors being made.

I sweet-talked two suppliers into taking us off stop
1) If you don't tell us that you, Company L have taken over Company H, exactly how am I supposed to know I'm supposed to pay you instead of them. So now they've given us til the end of the month so I'm busy getting them vetted and set up and stuff
2) I'm sorry, did you just send me a 7 day legal notice for a 2015 invoice. That you've never mentioned in the previous six months I've been having weekly emails with you. Yeah, no. Not happening sunshine PS we paid it in September 2015 and here's the proof, so nice try but no cigar!

I also manged to get my inbox down to like 150 emails and I'm only a week behind. Of course, taking 4 days off is going to ruin that and it'l probably be back up to 300 or so on Tuesday. But I'm not thinking about that.

I'm focusing on the forthcoming shenanigans. All my paperwork is printed, all my electronics are charged. My bag is packed except for the bits that can't go in it until tomorrow. I've turned off all my workday alarms except for the 'GO TO WORK CASSIE' alarm which I'll use as my wake-up in case I'm not already awake. And then I shall jump into Lotte and we shall drive up to Newcastle.

Why Newcastle?
Well, because - hardly shockingly, really - Raintown are playing a gig there tomorrow night. Their first ever show in Newcastle. I've also not told them I'm going and I'm hoping to surprise them! :) I've also not been to Newcastle myself in like 10 years, and last time it was literaly 'drive up, go to gig, drive back' so I'm looking forward to doing a little touristing. At minimum, I want to visit the castle - 12th century.

Right now though, I'm curled up comfy on my couch and I'm thinking it's time for some Supernatural. Almost at the end of season 10 so catching up slowly!

tv, newcastle, concerts, supernatural, work, shenanigans, raintown

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