Yesterday was not a good day in the end. The only thing I achieved was going to Tesco, one load of laundry and doing some dishes. My joints all hated me, there was an accidental afternoon nap that left me feeling all discombobulated and then my body over-reacted to the cocodamol I gave it. I ended up spending most of the day listening to music, putzing aroud on tumblr and reading SGA fanfic.
Today... today is a different day and I'm hoping it's going to be better although the headache I've woken up with suggests otherwise. If I achieve nothing else, I will finish cleaning the kitchen - I just need to wipe down the counters and sweep the floor. I'd like to mop the floor but if I don't then it's not the end of the world.
Today is also posting day for my Alphabet Soup fic and it's a fic I'm really pleased with. It came out exactly how I was hoping, Jack & Daniel behaved and I'm actually quite excited for people to read it!