work work work work work

Nov 01, 2016 19:12

My job role changed again in work today. I'm still with the same company I've been temping at since June but I'm now officially a Purchase Ledger Clerk. They've been really struggling to fill this role since like August and they asked me last week if I'd be able to take it on as well. I'll be getting confirmation later this week of what my payrise will be.

See, Nicole got promoted internally back in the summer and because there's a recruitment freeze on, we got a temp Kelly in to cover her role. Except, Kelly, bless her, wasn't quite suited for the job. Lovely girl but never worked in an office before and had no purchase ledger experience...

When I logged on to her computer today, there were over 200 emails and there's over 300 invoices in the internal queue as well. I've set up an out-of-office on her emails so that anyone who emails will get notified that she's left and given my email.

I'm also still supporting the Facilities department, raising all the Purchase Orders for the jobs and doing admin work for UK Premises & Facilities Contracts Manager.

My current plan of action is:
Mornings - Start with my facilities work, get all purchase orders out of the way. Then new purchase ledger emails as they come in and working on the internal workflow
Afternoons - Keep on working through Kelly's aged emails.

We'll see what happens. I'm looking forward to getting my teeth back into purchase ledger work again - not so much trying to dig out of the 2 months worth of backlog that's been left for me but I'm sure I'll get everything balanced out again...

Wish me luck?


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