Mischief Managed

Jun 16, 2016 17:25

I have once again been shenaniganing in Scottishland over the weekend, not surprisingly it involved a Raintown gig LOL

I left work a little early on Thursday and proceeded to sit in All The Traffic. Seriously, it took me something like 4 hours to do 140 miles. Once I got past the Lake District though, it was all smooth sailing. Took a different route from the M74 out to the west coast, very pretty road, saw no traffic and got to stop to let a Mama Goose and her babies cross the road. Got to
whiskyinmind's just after 11, met the puppies she was looking after, had the grand tour of her new flat... and promptly passed out LOL

Friday we got our geek on and went to the Science Centre. As ever, we started with the human body floor and I continue to be awesome at the Jedi Mind Trick. It’s a thing where two people have this band strapped around their forehead and have to propel a ball using their mind - but it’s done using meditation and calm, theta and beta waves. Apparently I’m very good at switching my mind off and just thinking of nothing. We even watched the next people just to make sure the band wasn’t faulty and no, her waves had spikes and so it was just mine that were so chill LOL And no, I didn’t take any beta blockers.
Sho then managed to cause utter global nuclear meltdown. A couple of times. That was fun LOL. We also managed to get into a serious Scalextric-style race with a random, foreign, stranger. It was a manually-power kinetic energy thing, where you spin this wheel to make the car go. Exhausting and he ended up beating us by about 10 laps but omg, so much fun.
After that, we both needed feeding and the café was closed, so we headed out to Glasgow Quay where we met
davidbrider for a very long (most of the afternoon) lunch at Frankie & Benny’s
We still didn’t get to the Planetarium… next time, we start on the 1st floor (mind, we said that last time too!)

We get to King Tuts a wee bit early (I like to know I’m there, know where I’m going etc etc) and manage to meet up with what feels like the entire Bain clan. Always very cool… and it kinda make me feel awesome that like Paul’s mum will come up and say hi. And we chatted to his sister for ages too.
Venue security let us in a beat early, wobble up the stairs and get met by Paul & Claire - hugs all round, for them and bump then we grab our spot on the barrier just as doors open. So that’s David, me, Shona, George and Julie along the front. Win!
First act was The Rising Souls. Never heard of them but George & Julie had and told us we’d like them. Soon as singer opens his mouth, me and Sho just went “hello… WOW” So yeah, rocky folky gravelly growly wow voice.

Raintown, were of course, utterly fantastic. Even 5 months pregnant, Claire can still hit notes that blow me away. Being a local crowd it was as epic as ever. Few forgotten lines - baby brain… even Paul LOL - but they covered well. Clearly they need to revisit some of their older songs more often. The show was as energetic and fun and non-stop as ever. We also got The BEST Stevie chant going during the One Love cover. They did a great cover of Taylor Swift’s ‘Shake It Off’ and a couple of new songs… oh so beautiful. Brian Hughes joined them on stage for Nineteen Again. And I still cry my eyes out at Forever Isn’t Long Enough.
I almost went down a number of times. I was literally being held up by the barrier, no weight on my legs. One of those ‘oh yeah, even though I hate it, this is why I started using Lucille for gigs…’ because I know that if I went down, THEY would stop and come help me up. Yeah… no, that’s not happening.

Security were good though - although annoyingly escorted us out before we had chance to have a proper chat, buy merchandise or anything. Very slow, very painful walk back to Lotte then back to Sho’s before passing out.

Saturday we had a lazy morning then made our way back into Glasgow to toddle around Kelvingrove Museum. For reasons of LOVE. We got there just in time for the organ recital - and ooh blimey. Blew me away. And there was a bit of The Music Of The Night which was wow. There were screens so we could watch the organists hand and footwork… watching his feet he was almost dancing!
We wandered around the Egyptian section for a while before heading to the Creatures Of The Past and the Environment Discovery Centre. David caught up with us (three hours late!) in the Scottish wildlife section. We then explored Scottish People and again sat and jawdropped at Dali’s The Passion Of Christ. Then, it was kicking out time and we still haven’t seen the weapons. Next time, we start there (and yeah, we said that last time too!

Shona had been telling me about Geocaching and I’d got the app downloading. There was a multi-stage geocache in Kelvingrove Park and, since it was nice weather, we decided to go on a treasure hunt. And while we didn’t find the actual cache, we did have great fun having a nice walk and seeing some of the sights we wouldn’t necessarily have found otherwise.
We then had possibly THE most amazing meal at the TriBeCa café. A gourmet build-your-own burger for £5 - choose your bun, choose your patty, choose your cheese, choose your sauce and choose 3 toppings, plus premium toppings at £1.25 each. I had a chicken fillet, swiss cheese, pineapple, bacon, fried egg and red onions. Seriously amazing. And then the desserts… oh boy! Shona had the biggest slice of S’mores cheesecake and I had nutella pancakes… the pancakes we just about managed half between us and finished off for breakfast.

Sunday was very much a lazy day. We spent like 3 hours in Costa with Paul, talking about everything; babies, music, touring, the future, business, stageit, travel, geek stuff. He kept saying how touched he was, how much it means to them that we go to all the gigs, that I travel as much as I do… I admitted I was always worried they’d be getting fed up of us down the front. He was very emphatic that they love me for it so… phew!
We then spent a minor fortune in Hobbycraft - I bought more washi tape, more stickers, some sharpies, some ink and an acrylic block for stamping, some page flags, a crafty storage thing and a papercraft magazine. And then bought pizza and noms for a movie night - we watched Now You See Me and The Brothers Bloom

Utterly exhausted and fun weekend.

Really wish I could get to Buckle & Boots Festival next weekend but there’s no way I can afford it. There’s bands I want to see every day, so I’d need a weekend ticket. Plus 2 nights in a hotel OR a shit ton of petrol money for getting there and back three days. But so many of my artists are playing and have asked me if I’m going… *sigh*
But no. I need to save my pennies for SF and Vancouver in a few months. That’s going to come round in no time and I have no pennies for it :(

sho should have a tag, travel, movies, concerts, museums, games, food, shenanigans, friends, shopping, raintown, glasgow

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