The Sunday Wibble-a-thon

Jun 05, 2016 10:12

Right. Lets see if I can't get myself back into some kind of rhythm and routine going forward.

I've got a job with normal hours and no ridiculous commute so that will make it easier. Ideally I'd like to get up, do a workout, have a shower then dress and start the day.
Today is attempt one at that. I was up fairly early for a Sunday and came straight downstairs to do a workout. I'm doing some HIT workout videos that I found online... when I first started I could barely get through the warm-up without joint pain and well basically feeling like I was going to have a heart attack. This morning I managed 10 minutes - all through the warm up and the first round. A little knee pain but I'm getting there in babysteps.

I'm also aiming to go for a walk while the evenings are light. I've found a lovely little route that takes me around the area I live in. 2.5 miles and it takes me on average an hour to do it. But it's designed that there are a number of points where if my legs start screaming at me, that I can take a shortcut and get home again easily.

I now just need to work on what I'm eating. Because that is definitely my downfall!

My current goal is to lose 15lb before Gatecon. That's 15lb in 12 weeks so that should be doable. We shall see what happens.

And now, I go grocery shopping!

joe flanigan, jewel staite, the sunday wibble-a-thon, michael shanks, rainbow sun francks, david nykl, richard dean anderson, emma watson, exercise, weight, teryl rothery, ben browder, mitch pileggi, david hewlett, jason momoa, health, christopher judge, hilary duff, amanda tapping, jared padalecki, tom cruise, kavan smith

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