Starting my day with some chocolte porridge with raspberries (nomnomnom) and some Bryan Adams singing to me. I've been on such a kick of his music lately, so muc love. SO MUCH LOVE.
Mostly my plan for today involves either clearing out my inbox or tidying my bedroom. My bedroom isn't that bad right now though, so I'm thinking probably inbox and more catching up with stuff online. I also want to finish the book I'm reading.
I do have a need to find a book. I could have sworn I bought the SGA book Exogenesis, but it's not on my to-read pile... not entirely sure where I put it. I have a vague recollection of it being delivered but not what I did with it. Course, it might not have come and I'm imagining it... maybe I need one of those order trackers in my bujo that I've seen other people have - will look around and see. hmmm.