I achieved pretty much nothing yesterday. I sorted out my stationery cupboard and desk and... that was about it. I did some napping, I watched some Grey's Anatomy, I futzed around on pinterest, I watched a bunch of bujo videos on youtube.
Last night - probably due to aforementioned napping - I renewed my relationship with insomnia. I did however manage to have an incredibly productive sleepless night. I completely revamped my CV and applied for a bunch of jobs. And I started a Diploma in Human Nutrition... well it was free and looked interesting.
Today... let's see. Today I have a delivery due. It's currently expected between 2 and 3 this afternoon, so all bets are off on what time it'll get here. I'm thinking it might be a good day to make a start on cleaning the kitchen. Shouldn't take long - just take out the recycling, take out the rubbish, clear out the new life-forms growing in the back of the fridge and run the mop over the floor.
Looks vaguely plan like.
For now though.. Muesli. And an episode of Grey's Anatomy. If nothing else, I'm planning on finishing S2 of that show this week. That's totally an allowable goal, right?