Re-entering real life is happening slowly but surely.
I've been back to work for a week now and starting to settle back into the swing of things. Two days last week and that was absolutely brutal. By the time I got home last Thursday I was a wreck. I just collapsed down in a puddle of tears - I was exhausted, everything hurt... I was very overstimulated. Friday wasn't quite as bad. By the end of the day I'd cleared all the old stuff from my inbox and was feeling pretty good. I didnt really do much at the weekend.
There was a lot of time spent with people coming up to me, asking me how I was. It actually felt really freaking good to be able to say "I'm doing better now" and mean it.
Now that I'm coming out of the otherside of that breakdown or whatever it was, I'm actually realising how damn ill I'd been over the last few months. The last couple of weeks I've started enjoying stuff. It's like I'm... I'm still treading water but that I can now see - and almost reach - land. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm certainly getting there.
I've got a busy few days coming up:
Jess & The Bandits gig in Birmingham tomorrow
Captain America: Civil War on Friday
A trip to Ludlow Castle on Saturday and East Midlands Comic Con on Sunday with
davidbriderBank Holiday Monday to rest my legs
I'm slowly now catching up on everything and starting to feel much more llama like.
How are you?!