That did not go according to plan

Apr 01, 2016 21:05

I had a plan for today. That plan involved laundry, some gentle exercise and catching up on my flist. Nowhere in this plan did I include 'spent 5 hours at the local hospital' however that's exactly what happened.

About 11ish this morning, I was putting laundry away. I was walking from one side of my bedroom to the other, moving clean folded clothes from the chair to the correct location. One minute I was walking, the next I was on the floor, with a heavy (and now shattered) mirror laying on top of me. My head was pounding, my ears were ringing, my everything hurt. I pushed the mirror off me, sat up... and promptly blacked out. Came to, blood everywhere and glass sticking out of my scalp.
Oh crap, says I. Or words to that effect

I grab my phone and ring an ambulance. Then my sister. By this point I'm feeling sick, I'm dizzy, I'm shaking but manage to buttshuffle down the stairs and open my front door. Then collapse down on the bottom step and wait. Paramedics turn up, I go over what happened. They get me into the kitchen, into the light, to look at my head. There's one deep wound with glass in it. They clean it up, get the worst off the glass out of my scalp and hair and put a loose bandage over it. They take my stats; I don't remember what they were, just tha the were low for me.

Head to the hospital, into a cubicle in A&E. Get seen my a nurse who takes my stats, looks at my head. I get changed into a gown and she tries (and succeeds) in washing/combing out a lot more of the glass out of my head but she's concerned there's some more in the wound she can't see. She gets the doctor who gives it a good look over and they send me down to x-ray. Good news, there's nothing embedded in the wound or the scalp. Yay. Nurse scrubs out a lot more and the wound is glued together, and I'm given paracetamol. Whcih promptly comes straight back up again.

By this point, I'm feeling like crap. I'm feeling sick and dizzy, the world is spinning, my head is pounding, my neck is getting stiff. I throw up and pass out. They decide they need to keep me in for an hour for observation. Three hours later, when I'm still dizzy, still nauseous - but it's passing - and my head is too heavy for my neck and my shoulder is starting to hurt, I get carted off for more x-rays and a CT scan.

Not only did they find a brain, but it wasn't swollen or bleeding, skull and neck and shoulder are showing no bone issues. Another hour of obs, starting to feel better and I get discharged with concussion and whiplash

Now, I'm curled up in bed, the night time happy/sleepy pills have been taken and I'm getting all sleepy. I've been pre-warned that tomorrow my neck will be killing me. Fun times. Hopefully the sandman will be gentle with me tonight


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