100 Things That Make Me Happy

Mar 27, 2016 21:53

As part of my 101 Things In 1001 Days I set out to write a list of 100 Things That Make Me Happy.

It took me something like 2 months to compile the list and I was mindful to try and make sure it wasn't just fandom related - that it was very well-rounded and covered a variety of things that I enjoy.

If I'm honest, It was actually a lot harder to do than anticipated. I don't know if that's just because of how down I've been over the last 6 months or so. At the same time, though, writing it and re-reading it has been a pretty good form of therapy. Reminding me of little things that make me smile - and nudging me to go and do some of them.

Anything than involves happiness is never a bad thing, right?

So here, under a cut is
1. Going to bed and knowing I don't have an alarm set in the morning
2. Having a hot bath, putting on warm & clean pjs and getting into a freshly made bed with clean bedding
3. Getting a forward-facing window seat with a table on the train to work
4. Getting any seat on the train home from work
5. My Natalie
6. My Dragon
7. Stargate SG1
8. Stargate Atlantis
9. Star Wars
10. TLOR gigs
11. Raintown gigs
12. Gary Quinn gigs
13. Emma Stevens gigs
14. Reading a really good Jack/Daniel fic
15. Reading a really good McShep fic
16. The fact that people actually write Sheppard/Mitchell fic
17. Getting nice feedback on a fic I've written
18. When I'm writing and the words flow just right
19. Losing myself in a good story for hours - regardless of whether it's original fic or fanfic
20. Being front row centre at a gig
21. Hearing a song I haven't heard in a while, and it makes me smile and triggers awesome memories
22. Richard Dean Anderson's smile. melts
23. Michael Shanks' smile and beautiful blue eyes
24. Amanda Tapping, when she smiles and hugs me and kisses me and tells me I'm beautiful
25. David Hewlett's hugs. Because seriously!
26. Curling up on the couch with someone and watching something
27. My living room. The colours! Being surrounded by my books and my DVDs.
28. My Millennium Falcon
29. When Paul hugs me and calls me gorgeous
30. Being loved
31. Forced orgasms in bondage
32. A good story involving biological weaponry/warfare/terrorism etc. Shows like The Strain or Helix. Stories involving anthrax, for example. Especially if one of the protagonists is infected. Think the SWAK episode of NCIS
33. Cuddling a purring kitty
34. The smell after a thunderstorm
35. The smell of baking bread
36. A nice warm pain au chocolat
37. The smell of fresh cut grass
38. Dreams
39. Achieving a goal
40. The ability to download TV shows and movies and books and music
41. Spotify
42. Road trips
43. Marking things off a to-do list
44. Clearing out my work inbox
45. Compliments on my work
46. Bright colours
47. Wordsearches
48. Making a new recipe and it being a success
49. Stuffed crust pepperoni pizza
50. Digging my toes into warm sand
51. Getting a nice, thorough massage
52. Ghiradelli caramel squares - sorry, Christian LOL
53. Sushi
54. A day out at a zoo
55. A day out at a museum
56. Rainbows
57. Taking control of my life - like when I set up all those payment plans with my creditors
58. Going to sci-fi conventions
59. Apple tea
60. The second hand book place in the market
61. Jurassic Park
62. Caramel hot chocolate
63. The collection of soft toys on my bookshelves
64. Being a geek
65. Flowers on my kitchen table
66. Stationery
67. Pretty pictures on Tumblr
68. Planning my vacation
69. Blogging regularly
70. The internet
71. My friends
72. Meet & greets at conventions when there is a lipstick mark on my boob.
73. Bad horror/sci-fi movies like Megasnake or Ferocious Planet. Thank you SyFy
74. A hot shower
75. Bacon sandwiches
76. The new geek shop in the market
77. Playing Cards Against Humanity in a pub in Wolverhampton with a random stranger
78. Talking people into coming and seeing my bands
79. The ribs at Harvester
80. Catching up with a friend I haven't seen in years
81. Being recognised/remembered by musicians
82. Being appreciated by the musicians I love
83. The feeling of my meds starting to work and my emotional state balancing out
84. Finding a new hobby to enjoy
85. Penpalling
86. Discovering new music to love
87. Unexpected fangirling when an actor you love appears when you're not expected to see him
88. Randomly bursting into cheesy songs
89. Making complete strangers smile on public transport
90. The ability to make people smile with a simple compliment
91. My orange and pink stripey sweater
92. Being bought lunch
93. Recent surge of activity on LJ
94. Sensory deprivation
95. The smell and feel of leather
96. Having my hands tied behind me
97. My Lord & Master, especially when he calls me Trubil
98. The feeling of taking my bra off at the end of the day
99. WINGS!!!
100.Non-sparkly vampires

And, if you want to know anything about any of these things... just ask :)

tv, money, john sheppard/rodney mckay, movies, gary quinn, sex, chocolate, john sheppard/cameron mitchell, holiday, cassie is a geek, sleep, happiness, richard dean anderson, books, love, hobbies, work, livejournal, animals, health, 101 things in 1001 days, internet, friends, clothes, stargate sg1, emma stevens, christian kane, mark sheppard, michael shanks, days out, travel, stargate atlantis, dragon, things that make me happy, concerts, jack o'neill/daniel jackson, shopping, convention, house, the life of riley, david hewlett, dreams, cooking, bondage, amara, fanfiction, museums, how many tags can i get on one post?, life, food, amanda tapping, fandom, raintown, star wars, writing, music

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