Tuesday morning before driving down to London, I got my hair cut. It WAS almost shoulder length. It now looks like
The Rising Stars of UK Country was a fantastic night of music.
Luke & Mel were compere-ing and, as ever, Luke ended up playing with about half the acts and continues to be an amazing guitarist. Mel's confidence grows every time I see them.
Gary was wonderful - and very proud of himself for not making me cry! It's a running joke - he has this one song, Rewind, that makes me sob like woah and when I cry he fucks up. It's hilarious. We also talked about my mum a bit.
Katy Hurt, new to me, quite liked her but she was getting drowned out by her band a lot
Paul Carella was as shit as ever... what can I say, really not a fan! He's from fucking Motherwell yet sings about being some Texas fucking outlaw or something with some phony shite accent.
Steve Young, new to me, fell in love... awesome. Works a lot with Darren Hayes. I will be acquiring his EP.
Sonia Leigh. Whee surprise guest. Very pleased as I've been wanting to see her. She was excellent so YAY!
Megan & The Common Threads, another new to me band. Yup, I like what I hear.
Raintown were headlining and were their usual fantastic self. We ended up on Claire's side of the stage for once and it was nice to get so much attention from her for a change. She spoted us two LINES into the gig. Paul didn't see us til the last song, and then screwed his words up. First time ever. He also told us off for being on the wrong side of the stage LMAO!
Sadly, because we were public transport-ing we weren't able to stay for the after party which sucked but... *shrugs one shoulder*
Yesterday there was a whole lot of nothing done. I slept... a LOT. Like 13-14 hours. Dragon had a couple job interviews. We watched some Lucifer and some Stargate SG1. My body was telling me in no uncertain terms why - even with my sticks - it doesn't like me on my feet and dancing for a gig.
Fuck that!
Also, in hindsight, I had a couple of anxiety attacks - spacing out, irrational anger, pinching myself - but because I'm a numpty I'd left the Propanolol behind *headdesk* So I was a little wrecked from them too
Today there was a trip into central London to the Science Musuem, which I'd never been too. OMG So much amazing. So much fun. We were limited on time because Dragon had another job interview this afternoon but we saw the Wellcome collection, we walked through the Space section and according to Dragon I was trying to look everywhere at once and squeeing. We did the Food Cravings exhibition and the Who Am I before we had to leave.
I now, sadly, have all the achies and am shattered. So we're curled up watching some Stargate Atlantis.
Tomorrow is the first day of C2C. We's meeting up with
aditu_az for lunch, then hopefully catching Sonia Leigh, Laura Oakes and Emma Stevens play. *bounces excitedly* I haven't seen Laura or Emma since like October so it'll be nice to a) see them play and b) catch up with them :D