5 Fandom Friday - Womances

Feb 12, 2016 19:38

Womances. Can I just say I'm not a fan of that term? And I've talked this over with my Dragon this afternoon while pondering and for all that I'm a slasher, I really don't have very many femmeslash pairings. I'm not sure if that's a) bad lesbian!, b) I want them for myself or c) a long commentary on the lack of female characters interacting with each other.

But, as I was making thinky noises about the topic, I ended up rambling somewhat at length about the female characters that I completely adore and thought 'hey, I'll do my top 5 female characters instead' because that's mostly related to the prompt!

First things first and we go back in time to Buffy The Vampire Slayer and one of my first major female fictional crushes, Willow Rosenberg

I was the same age as Buffy, Xander and Willow. I grew up with them. A lot of the things they were going through - ok, maybe not the vampires, demons, forces of darkness stuff - but the school and boys and family and friends, I was going through at the same time. And Willow was the first time I saw me on-screen - I was the shy, awkward, non-fashion wearing geek. I loved school. I got interested in Wicca around the same time Willow found magic. We both discovered we liked girls at the same time.

And, let's face it, Alyson Hannigan isn't exactly hard on the eyes.

My love for Willow... ♥

Have I mentioned my love for Amanda Tapping recently? *draws even more sparkly orange hearts around the woman* And, while, yes, my introduction to Amanda was as Helen Magnus there is definitely something to be said for Stargate SG1 and Sam Carter.

From the first time we met her, we knew Sam was going to take no shit from anyone, and the more we got to know her... she's this intelligent, independent woman who's passionate and dorky. She's a soldier but she's also a woman - we see her riding & fixing motorcyles in leather, but also dancing and going shopping, having mani/pedis in floral dresses.

I've often been known to say that NCIS's Chief Forensic Scientist Abby Sciuto is my perfect woman, and it really is true!

I love the paradox of her gothic style and her enthusiasm for her work. She's this incredibly smart, caffeinated, tattooed, bubbly, caring, capable woman. Who loves dogs. And she's so protective of her team and I love her relationship with Gibbs. She's so varied as well, the complete opposite of what you would expect based on how she looks... I mean she goes bowling with nuns! A completely rounded, three-dimensional character... it's almost like she's a real person. ...a paradox wrapped in an oxymoron smothered in contradictions in terms. Sleeps in a coffin. Really, the happiest goth you'll ever meet as DiNozzo would say

Sticking to the apparent theme of kick-ass women who solve crime, we have Criminal Minds's Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia. Again, somewhere up in the lines of being my perfect woman!

She's flamboyant and outrageous and fun-loving and optimistic and excitable and provides a bit of often well-needed comic relief. I love her style, her colourfulness and her uniqueness. She's confident and sexy and not afraid to show her emotions - especially when it comes to the BAU members, and especiallyMorgan. My love for those two is... pretty epic but that's an entirely different ramble!

Last but by no means least is The X-Files very own FBI Special Agent Dana Scully; a woman who had quite the role in shaping my formative, early teen, years.

I was always really interested in science but of course, that wasn't 'cool'. Along comes Scully, an FBI Agent who's a Dr and has a degree in physics. Suddenly, STEM is... maybe a little less dorky.

She's intelligent and I always loved how she held on to her sceptism and faith, despite everything she and Mulder encountered, and the way she reconciled her scientific background and her Catholicism. She has this dry wit and a sharp humor and I love her snark. I always loved how she's never the damsel in distress, but in fact she was often the one rescuing Mulder when he got caught up in something.

Honourable Mentions
Princess Leia (Star Wars)
Felicity Smoak (Arrow)
Maura Isles (Rizzoli & Isles)
Alex Reid (Saving Hope)
Cassandra Cillian (The Librarians)
Parker (Leverage)

stargate sg1, buffy the vampire slayer, fangirling, cassie is a geek, ncis, dana scully, 5 fandom friday, willow rosenberg/tara maclay, sam carter, the x-files, penelope garcia, criminal minds, how many tags can i get on one post?, abby sciuto, fandom, amanda tapping

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