(no subject)

Feb 08, 2016 18:50

I have been signed off work fo a week because of my depression. This morning I almost jumped in front of the train, instead of getting on it.

I pulled myself back, got home and got through to the emergency mental health services people. They got me a doctors appointment. I saw my old doctor, talked about things. I told him I'd been out of whack since I had the flu and was tired all the time, which is exacertabting the depression. He agreed, and said that it's pretty common post-viral infection.

The internet tells meIn 1892, a London physician wrote a series of articles on “post-influenza mania and depression.” He observed that people who were admitted to the hospital with upper respiratory infections and flu had higher levels of depression than did those admitted for other conditions.

Researchers at Vanderbilt University believe that the body’s immune system may trigger depression as it attempts to fight off the flu. Likewise, the New England Journal of Medicine theorizes that the immune system releases cytokines - small proteins that affect the interaction and communications between cells. While cytokines are fighting the flu, they are also lowering the body’s serotonin levels. Since serotonin affects mood, sleep and appetite, it seems logical that one would feel depressed for a time after a bout with the flu.

He's signed me off work for a week. I've got to go up the hospital tomorrow to have a full bloodwork done, so that will be fun.

Other than that, it's basically rest. Sleep when I'm tired. Make sure I eat. Keep taking the meds. Go back Friday if I'm not feeling better.


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