Jan 30, 2016 16:16
Michael Shanks and Amanda Tapping have both cancelled Gatecon *sadface*
I'm not gonna lie, I AM a little heartbroken.
Michael's the only one of the original four I've not met and I was looking forward to finally meeting him. I've heard so much awesomeness about him.
And I think we all know my sheer and epic utter love for Amanda. She's just fucking incredible and I draw permanent orange sparkly hearts around her for she is LOVE. Honestly, I tear up every time I remember meeting her.
So yeah, sadly little llama.
HOWEVER, let's face it, the number one rule of con is 'You don't book for one guest', there's still an amazing lineup of people I can't wait to meet/again, with RDA and Hewlett on the top of that list. I'm so pumped to see RDA again, that smile still slays me and Hewlett is awesome.
Plus, there's the whole 'two week holiday with my Natalie aspect of the trip!'