(no subject)

Jan 15, 2016 13:15

Honestly, you would think that with as much time as I've spent playing Mahjong this year that I'd be really good at it. But I'm not. I still really suck at it. It's not stopped me from getting completely and utterly addicted to the game though. You'd think it would, but no! I still spend all my free time playing.

"Is that where you've been all week, Cassie?" I hear you ask. (You are asking, right?).
And the quick and easy answer is yes.

I've not got back into my rhythm and routine at all this year, and that's really unusual for me. I've been sleeping in late, barely making my train and then when I do get home from work just flopping down, hitting play on ER S2 and playing Mahjong.

I'm also a wee bit addicted to ER. I have all this stuff I should be watching and no, I'm mainlining 21 year old episodes of ER. Back when Noah Wyle and George Clooney were just so very wee! But it's so good. Very dated in places but so much love!

er, tv, games, life, mahjong

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