By Royal Appointment

Nov 19, 2015 13:22

Well here we are at lunchtime and today has so far been a roaring success. I was up with my alarm, showered, dressed, out of the house and on the 8am train. I had my breakfast, listened to music and read my book. The train was not too crowded.

We stopped a while outside Birmingham, allegedly because there were workers on the track checking signals but it turns out there was a whole lot of hoohah at New Street. The Queen, you see, was coming to Birmingham to officially open the station. So by the time I got there at like 09:20 (25 minutes late, because of those delays) half the platforms were closed, half the exits were closed, there were armed cops everywhere herding people around.
I had a wee flash of panic because I was suddenly surrounded by people and couldn't leave through the exit I like to leave by but a wee phonecall to
whiskyinmind helped calm me down.

I'm mostly spending the day catching up on emails, keeping my head down and trying to avoid people. I'm not feeling too bad though - still a little dizzy when I bend over and a thumpyhead. I'm keeping it hydrated though, and have an appointment with my doctor next Wednesday.

I was very pleased though that my Steenwyck has been delivered. I absolutely LOVE the painting Still Life: An Allegory On The Vanities Of Human Life and bought myself a rather large canvas print of it with some of the money I got from mum. The box... is large and I'm wondering how to get it home on the train. I am thinking that if it's still raining tonight, I might just drive in tomorrow and take it home in Lotte.
But oh how I want to get it up on my wall heh

sho should have a tag, house, life, work, birmingham

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