The best of times, the worst of times...

Oct 26, 2015 21:59

Let's start with the good shall we?

whiskyinmind and I toddled down to Cardiff on Saturday for Cardiff Film & Comic Con the wonderful reason of meeting

This was a very happy making experience and after his talk have decided I'd love to sit down with the guy for a talk. Not for geeking out like with Hewlett but because he comes across as very smart and business savvy and I think it would be very interesting to discuss that sort of shit with him.

Sadly this is about where the good ends.

You see, I still wasn't very well on Saturday and in hindsight should probably not have gone. I ended up passing out. Right in front of Joe.
Did the autographs, took about 5 steps and smack, hello floor. Now, normally when I pass out I know it's going to happen, I know the warning signs and can get somewhere closer to the floor. But nope, this was out of the blue crashing straight down. According to Sho, some of the people in the queue caught me before I hit the floor but I still landed with... well... my right arm still in my crutch and my crutch between the floor and me.

The word you're looking for there is OW!

I was checked over, rehydrated, iced and bandaged up by the St John's ambulance... and made a lot of people very jealous of my blood pressure. Like 5 minutes after collapsing and it's sitting happily at 122/86
I wasn't in too much pain so we carried on toddling around the con, buying the things I wanted to get, watching the cosplayers. We attended Joe's talk and got our photo ops. Wonderful hug and yeah, he totally saw me crash out, he was holding me up nicely *purrr*

We then headed out to Cardiff Bay so Sho could go to Roald Dahl Plas, see the Millennium Centre, the invisible lift, Ianto's tourist office. And we had a lovely meal.
Unfortunately, my arm and shoulder where I'd landed on them were really starting to hurt so we made the executive decision to cut our evening short, drive back to Telford and pop into my local hospital and get it
looked at, just in case.

I ended up spending a good 6 hours in A&E having my hand, collarbone and ribs x-rayed. Luckily, nothing was broken. Sprained, bruised, swollen and tender but not broken.
My pride/ego, however, is nicely fractured and wearing a fluorescent orange cast!

sho should have a tag, joe flanigan, pictures, health, fangirling, cassie is a geek, convention, cardiff

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