The washing machine repair guy came at around 2pm, very quick fix, he was in and out in like 15 minutes and only charged me the £25 callout fee. There was some kind of bung in the pipe that I'd missed when checking for blockages *headdesk* SO embarassing but at least he was nice about it.
I finally got that one load of laundry done, pegged to the clothes horse and put out in the sun on the balcony for a few hours. And I got my kitchen cleaned. All the dishes done, all the counters tidied and wiped down, table tidied and polished, pictures put on walls and flowers put in a vase. I was hoping to get the floor swept and mopped but my legs were telling me quite firmly that I'd done enough.
Still, I was very pleased with how much I accomplished and
Now I'm sitting with my legs up, watching Sanctuary. For reasons of Amanda Tapping. Oh how I love Helen Magnus ♥ and I'd forgotten how much I not only adore Nikola Tesla, but ship him and Helen. The chemistry there is just incredible