Aug 09, 2015 22:50
Today has been a very successful day, which, for a Sunday is pretty impressive. Got the boring laundry and grocery shopping sorted, also bought a new pair of jeans (whilst admitting to myself I've put on enough weight that I'm now a full 18, rather than just a 16-18), only cheap ones from ASDA, £11, but damn they fit good and make my ass look brilliant.
I spent the afternoon at mum's. We sorted out her bus and train to get her to Birmingham on Friday, we sorted out where she's going to meet me in Birmingham. We found somewhere to eat in Manchester (she's the pickiest eater EVER!). I sorted out directions from Gullivers to hotel, and then from hotel to Sheffield Motorpoint Arena for Comic Con. I'm still pretty sure I'm more excited to meet Peter Purves than Chris Judge... oops?
I cooked for us. Gammon with pineapple rice, and then we had strawberries and cream afterward. See aforementioned point about putting on weight LOL But god it was so good.
This evening has been spent writing. 576 words of my Big Bang. The entire opening scene done. I'm loving writing this. Only another 14,424 words to go... The next couple of scenes though should be pretty smooth going and I'm all excited to write them.
Now, however, I must to bed because tomorrow is that whole Monday thing. Again. And there is the work thing to do.