Hear the sound of the squeeing fangirl

May 31, 2015 21:40

How to tell the llama is a geek: she's stretched out on her couch wearing Harry Potter pjs and a Stargate SG1 hoodie. And she's watching izombie. She's also playing QuizUp.
This is definitely her preferred method of spending a Sunday - or any other - evening.

She's also on a total fangirl high. And has no idea why she's referring to herself in the third person..

Yesterday was Film and Comic Con Manchester. It was also sadly a bad pain day (hobbling from bedroom to bathroom left me in tears) but I was determined not to let it stop me. So I hopped up on codeine and the ever lovely
davidbrider drove me up the M6, pushed Lucille around all day and was generally awesome company - even when I was tired and cranky. THANK YOU DAVID.

There was so much awesome there. SO MUCH. I always love people watching the cosplayers. There was a fantastic variety of stalls but I was very careful about not buying stuff for the point of buying stuff. I came home with a HYDRA jacket and an SG1 hoodie. All the warm and snuggly.

The reason for going up to Manchester?
David Hewlett was one of the guests. In fact, pretty much the only guest I gave a shit about - but I did end up with a photo and autograph from Sophie Aldred, so that was cool. Always wanted to be Ace when I was a kid and she's very sweet.
Anyhoo. David Hewlett.

As a disabled attendee, I got to go in with the Early Bird tickets so it was lovely and quiet. Oriented ourselves - found the photo-ops, found the talk area, found the autograph area. Squeed because OMG DAVID HEWLETT. *ahem* And because it was so quiet, there was like... no queue for him.

He was so friendly and personably and chatty and enthusiastic and geeky and adorable and totally made this little fangirls day. I'm stil amused by how much I love him considering how much Rodney annoys me LOL
I was totally relaxed talking to him and was able to tell him how Stargate has been helping me through depression over the last couple years and how it's associated with feeling better and how it's like my happy place. He totally got it. He's had dealings with depression in his family and he said how he understands how hard it could be and that he loved how he could be part of helping cheer me up. I've been told to keep taking my meds and look after myself.
And yes, I cried.

We talked about Debug, A Dog's Breakfast and Century Hotel. I um... may have told him he had a cute ass. He blushed. Apparently people actually print out pictures of that scene for him to sign. Oh, and I asked him what was in the packed lunch his mum made for him LOL

We also talked about crushes on Amanda Tapping. According to Mr Hewlett, everyone has a crush on her LMAO

I spent a good hour this afternoon trying to get my scanner to work but it doesn't want to play so

I'll take it to work and scan it in properly but I'm too impatient to wait and want to share it because I'm all fangirl flaily!

We were the first ones through in the photo-op (yay disabled queue-jump privilege!) and I was determined to not have my wheelchair in the piture. I never had my crutches in the shot so there's no way I'm having the chair in, y'know? So David wheels me up and I get out. Mr Hewlett* is right there, offers me his arm and damn that boy is stronger than he looks. Pulls me into a huge hug and then helps me back into the chair. I then floated for the rest of the day.

I actually really like that photo and went back and got it signed. (Thanks Mr Brider!) Mr Hewlett said it was an excellent photo and that I looked 'fabulous' which is what he signed it saying. "looking fabulous"
And he said that smile is the one he always wants to see on my face.

I'm sitting here, typing this up, and I'm beaming like a loon and I'm crying my eyes out and... damn that was awesome. Just... fantastic and this... THIS feeling right here is what fandom is all about.

How long til July and RDA?!

*there are too many Davids in this!

manchester, fangirling, david hewlett, friends, pictures, convention

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