(no subject)

Mar 09, 2015 21:42

Are we SURE I can't just have a whole new body? That I can't have my upgrade to humanllama 2.0?

For the last couple of weeks I've been getting intermittant tingling/pins & needles/numbness in the fingers of my left hand, swollen knuckles and general weird-feeling-ness. It came to its head twice last week - once when I dropped and killed my laptop, and once in Basildon when
charlies_dragon literally pinched my finger as hard as she could and I could not feel it. At all.

I've not been able to use my crutches as well either - it's difficult when you keep losing sensation in your hand, y'know?

Today, I took my wrist to the doctor. The doctor examined it, said I probably have carpal tunnel and I now have a splint to wear while sleeping. Doc thinks there's a wee possibility it could be thyroid issues causing the swelling, especially as when looking back the depressive funk I'm in has lasted a) longer than normal and b) for the same length of time I've been struggling with the hand. He also sent me up to the hospital for All The Tests, just to be on the safe side. I've had a couple of x-rays done and four fucking vials of blood taken. And that, of course, lead to me passing out. Mind, hospital is the best place to do that LOL

On the bright side, the antibiotics are starting to kick in and my tooth is hurting less. Shame I was a wee bit miserable over the course of C2C, burst into tears on Dragon on more than one occasion, turned grey and threw up a couple of times. There was also difficulty eating, slurry/lisping when I talked.
Even Gary, on Sunday afternoon, kept asking me if I was sure I looked ok.

Fun WAS had despite generally feeling rather icky. There were a few times when artists clashed with each other and I had to make horrible choices over who to see *sadface* BUT I managed to see most of my artists. And found some new ones.
Jess Roberts was greatly improved since the last time I saw her. Still very nervous but her voice! She was much more in control of it and it was more powerful.
The Dirty Beggars. We saw them based purely on name and they were so much fun. Bluesgrass/folksy with banjo and ukelele and fiddle and a rocking double bass and just... fun.
Hannah Jane Lewis always delivers. Her band is even more polished and she's still a sweetheart. I'm loving her new stuff.
We missed both The Shire AND Jess & The Bandits - we were already having to choose because they were on at the same time but this here was when puking happened :(
Another clash between Laura Oakes and Luke & Mel. Luke & Mel won but I almostkindasorta regret it because that little stage was panic attack inducing. *sigh*
And then I didn't get to see Ward Thomas OR Liv Austen because The Brooklyn Bowl was packed out and we couldnt get in. BOO!

Sunday was less stressful.
The first act we were seeing were my Raintown. But they were playing in the Brooklyn Bowl. Second act on and... well.. they packed it last year so we'd decided we'd get there and just sit through whoever was on first. Get there and the queue is round the block. FUCK. HOWEVER staff see the wheelchair and send us straight in. Booyah, front row centre for Raintown.
And for Striking Matches who were on before them. I'd never heard of them. They were so fucking amazing that I've got tickets to see them again in May. They blew me away.
Raintown, of course, were fucking fantastic. Paul was amused as hell by the fact I was front row centre in a packed auditorium in the chair... where the hell else woudl I be?! It was a set of all new stuff and I'm even MORE excited for the new album and I just *flail* They did a signing straight after their set so we chatted to them for a while... then I end up chatting to Claire's dad for a while, as you do...
We missed Ward Thomas, The Shires AND Dexeter. FAIL. *sigh*
We did however see Sasha McVeigh. She played in the panic-attack-inducing place. But it was much quieter so we were able to sit at the front without people crowing all around me. I'd heard a couple of Sasha's songs and thoroughly enjoyed her set.
Emma Jade was on between Sasha and Gary and.. well... meh.
Gary Quinn was his usual fantastic self. Acoustic set, just him, Luke and two guitars. And me, Dragon and another equally excited fangirl. He was exhusted though - he'd played Belfast on Friday and Carlisle on Saturday before C2C on the Sunday. He did however play proud Daddy and show me pictures of his wee baby girl LOL

The next shenanigans are this coming Saturday: Ward Thomas and Dexeter are playing The Library @ The Institute in Birmingham. I'm rather looking forward to it :D

why does my wheelchair have a tag?, gary quinn, dragon, health, concerts, luke & mel, raintown, hannah jane lewis, jess roberts

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