(no subject)

Feb 16, 2015 12:12

I has a sad.
whiskyinmind has leaved me and is driving back up home to Scottishland :(

She came down for a long weekend because she had a dealer's stall at MCM Midlands Comic Con in Telford on Saturday, and I got talked into helping her out.

She came down Thursday night and we did last minute prep (I got very good at putting things into little plastic bags and putting business cards into them), ordered pizza and watched Saving Hope. FLAILED all the FLAILS over it.
I unfortunately had a shitty nights sleep - an unwanted recently departed visitor (graveyard next to the building) who, every time I started to drop off, would grab my shoulder, shake me and yell "wake up" which was exhausting.

Friday morning involved more last minute stuff before heading to the International Centre for set up, followed by a nice chill evening at Mimosa, a buffet restaurant nearby.

Saturday was con day. It was busy and fun and painful and a couple of mild anxiety attacks but I was able to talk to people and help sell stuff and keep track of sales and money. Shona came up with some new products lines/ideas, we saw some awesome t-shirts and, most importantly, she made a profit!

davidbrider came out to play, bought me a wee llama and we went to the Harvester afterwards by which point Sho and I were punch drunk and utterly hysterical over everything and nothing.

Yesterday was a completely chilled out day. We basically sat around my flat and watched movies. Iron Man 3, Thor - The Dark World and Captain America - The Winter Soldier. Followed by 6 episodes of Agents Of Shield.

I'm now pondering a wee afternoon nap before finishing revising Trial Balances ahead of tomorrow's exam.

sho should have a tag, tv, life, movies, friends, convention

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