One of those "rambling on painmeds" entries... you know you love them...

Jan 28, 2015 20:42

I am a wee bit out of my skull on a lot of dihydrocodeine today so if anyone gets really rambly nonsensical and is confused by them, I pologise. If, on the other hand, you enjoy your comment, you're very welcome!
My pupiles are like teeeenytiny little pinpricks in my eyes.

The swelling in my wrists and elbows has gone down and I can mostly feel the fingers in my left hand today, so tha's good. My right should is still cranky but I'm able to get around on my sticks. Much improvement.
My legs... less happy. Right knee is still the size of god knows what. Left knee still all swolled. Left hip kinda feels like my legs about to fall out.

The fact the sky keeps trying to fall isn't helping. Stupid cold wet stuff.

My minion continues to be awesome though. Two days running he's bought me chocolate cake at lunchtime to cheer me up. My minion rocks. You should be jealous. And he lets me call him Minion, or CraigyWaigy. Although he calls me Poo.

I've been a naughty wee llama and ordered pizza. I'm just waiting for the nice man (or woman, I guess, but it's always beena a man before) from Dominos to bring it to me
Wonder if they can find my flat today.

Raintown are playing the Brooklyn Bowl at C2C again this year. So I guess that's me going to a country music festival again
I do need to remember to take Lucille though. All the running bac and forth and standing and nowhere to sit KILLED me last year.

I miss Paul and Claire. I aven't seen them since like November. I saw them nowhere near enough last year. I kinda loes them and I misses them.

I'm in the mood to watch something with pretty people in it, but I'm not sure what to watch. Maybe some Farscape -
princessofgeeks was making flaily noises about it early, and then I got all flaily. And John Crichton is love. And so is Aeryn Sun.
But then I feel like I should be watching something current rather than something that finished years ago that I've seen before
I'm so behind on everything. Except Saving Hope. Because Charlie. And pregnancy is a wonderful look for Erica Durance. She's all glowy and I love the roundness of her face and HELLO BOOBIES. I'm also loving Maggie's storyline this season.

tv, weather, food, work, friends, raintown, health

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