zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz

Dec 01, 2014 13:28

Holy crap am I tired!

I was right - waking up this morning killed me ded. I want to bed early last night, turned in around 22:30 but was still awake just before 02:00 Slept fitfully for a few hours - I remember seeing my clock turn 04:30 and then the next thing I know it's 06:30, my room is all bright with the wake-up light and my pillow is playing the MacGyver theme at me.
Plus the world outside my bed was cold. and early.

But, the train was on time, and I got a forward facing seat with a table, so yay.
I know, my commuting updates are just so fascinating.

I've just about finished reading all the emails I've received the last two weeks. All 160+ of them.
Now all I have to do it start the actual doing portion of them.

If I can stay awake long enough to do them... I need ALL THE CAFFEINE
zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz


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