Nov 28, 2014 19:21

It's amazing how a single piece of music combined with just one image can have such an effect on a person, namely on me. How it can turn me into a fangirling squeeing pile of goo.

In case you've been under a rock the last few days, there have been a couple of movie trailers released. Two that have reduced me to... yeah fangirling squeeing pile of goo with shivers running down my spine and flailing and omgnervous.

The first one, of course, being Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Only a teaser trailer and, in all honesty, it took me far too long staring at the trailer before I even hit play because oh so many ways it could be fucked up epically but... no... it got me excited and bouncing and it feels like Star Wars.

The second one? Jurassic World
And I think right now I'm actually more excited about dinosaurs than I am Jedi... seriously, that trailer... I'm 12 again and I still love John Williams' music...
But really who the fuck thought it could ever be a good idea to actually OPEN Isla Nublar?

... self, you have too much on your to-watch pile, you do not need to do a Jurassic Park trilogy mara... oh, ok then...

fangirling, cassie is a geek, movies, star wars

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