Off The Shelf

Aug 17, 2014 21:37

One of my favourite things about my flat is having all my books out properly. Having the space to have enough bookshelves to have all my books on them, without them being stacked all higglypiggly.
or that's three of the four at least. There's another one again that size that's half-full and a half-size bookshelf in my bedroom that's overflowing that's my to-read pile.

It also doesn't help that I walk past the library, twice a day, five days a week. So many books
And there's an awesome second hand bookshop in the market that's huge, has everything and is 50p a paperback.
It's a good job I commute 40 minutes each way and have plenty of time to read LOL

I've just finished reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I'm probably the last person in the world to read it but WOW it was pretty amazing. I'm completely in love with Lisbeth. I'll be going in the library tomorrow to pick up a copy of The Girl Who Played With Fire because I need to see how the story finished.

I'm currently reading The Great Sex Guide by Anne Hooper. It is, however, laughably awfully bad. Not even so bad it's good. I'm not even quite sure why I'm still reading it. It'll be going into the charity shop pile when I'm done with it.

Next on my to-read pile - which I'll start on the train tomorrow morning is Catastrophe: Europe Goes To War 1914 by Max Hastings. Non-fiction about the outbreak of the Great War, because I realised I have absolutely no knowledge or anything about it. So, I did what all good geeks do and went to the library, wandered into the war section, and picked up a book about it.

I have a Kindle app on my phone as well, and I've always got one book on there, just in case I don't like the physical book I'm reading, or I finish it part way through a journey. It's generally only ever a free book, and god bless for all the freebies! :D
The current book on there is Ricochet by Xanthe Walter - haven't started that yet. Yay gay BDSM porn!
Last read book on there was Public Property by Mandy Baggott. I kinda adore her chicklit and nope, so not ashamed of it.

So now, curiosity is wondering... what have you recently read, what are you loving now, what do you think people should read, what do you want to read... talk to me about books! *grins*


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