Fandom assemble!

Aug 10, 2014 16:32

Stolen shamelessly from The Smiling Fish on tumblr:

Today marks the beginning of voting for the Final Four in The Backlot’s Third Annual Slash Madness Tournament. The way the voting is going to work in this final round is that all four finalists will be in the running and the winner is going to be based on the percentage of votes received. They’re doing this because it’s fairly obvious that of the ships remaining, any of them going up against Sterek will result in a rout. So basically we’re scrambling against Stucky and Hannigram for the final three slots.

And not a single person outside our fandom thinks we’ll place anywhere but fourth out of four.

I know I said before we needed to engage with them, but with the change in how this round is going to be run I think it’s better if we just concentrate on voting. Just keep our heads down and vote as often as possible. Everyone is going to focused on their ship and we need to do the same. Ignore the comments section if you can.

Here’s a couple tips that the Sterek fandom posted during Round Three:

To avoid getting blocked, remember to just vote 5/10 times in a row, then wait a bit and then vote again.
If you do get blocked, you can download the Hola Extension for Chrome, open a new tab, click on the little flame icon at the top and enter the backlot website and look for the slashmadness round 4 on their sidebar to the right.
You don’t have to type out the whole CAPTCHA. It really only needs the first 2 or 3 letters of the squiggly bit for it to go through and you can key smash the rest.
If you can try and vote throughout the day - a few votes from your phone during breaks at work, a couple sneaked in while you’re making dinner or while you’re waiting in line at the store. Every single one of them counts.

Let’s show our final four compatriots the fandom they hope to be five years down the line after their shows are off the air. Let’s do our show and our ship proud. Let’s do this for David and Joe.

Let’s make some noise.

fanfiction, john sheppard/rodney mckay, fandom

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