I woke up this morning to a wet kitchen floor. It's such fun when you're half awake and going for breakfast and suddenly your feet are wet.
Shit, you think, did I leave a tap running? Hmm nope, I did not.
Great, did my fridge-freezer stop working and everything defrost? Nope, and besides it was working last night and has a 12 hour keep frozen thingy.
OK then, so you go look at the sink, and the cupboard under the sink is... soggy.
So, you call your boss, who chuckles and welcomes you to home ownership.
Then you call the housing trust.
And then you sit and wait for a plumber.
And, of course, while you're sitting and wating for someone who'll be there at some point before 6 (*snort* really useful when its 9am guys!) you realise that
sdani has been posting fic recs, and then you end up at A03.
And you end up in the Jack/Sam/Daniel tag and suddenly a day at home might not be such a bad thing after all...