The Morning Wibble

Jan 07, 2014 07:32

Yesterday was not a good day.
F left work on Friday, so yesterday I just made sure there was nothing in his drawers. FIVE HOURS later I finished sorting out all the paperwork he'd dumped in there. Thankfully, most of it was filing, but even so!
Then I found out we're getting a new temp today. Guess who has to train them? Yup, me. Which sucks because Tuesday is payment run day. And we're doing year end, so I've got lots of vendor balances and open POs to sort out. I don't have time to sit and train a temp, I just want to be left alone to get on with it!

THEN I got caught in the rain walking back to the train station. Mile and a bit walk. I was soaked. And then spent an hour in cold, wet, clothes. Because I wasn't cranky enough.
By the time I got home, I was incredibly miserable, feeling like shit and in pain. I snuggled down into my onesie, took painpills and was very... disconnected all evening.

Very bad evening. Melancholy, unable to type properly due to swollen hands, felt very sorry for myself. Yeah, not so good.
I did read a very nice whumped!Daniel fic where he was given synesthesia by a head injury. Also a little Jack/Daniel pre-slash which was very pretty. I was looking for the porns, mind.
So, hey, any recommendation for Jack/Daniel fic, please to be sending my way?

Today finds me tired. I didn't sleep quite right, probably because of pain. Everything's a dull throb except for bright sparks in my hip and knee. My wrists feel very weak. I need to attempt to get in and out the shower - not sure my leg it going to let me but lets give it a try. So I shall leave you with

christian kane, kate winslet, the morning wibble, work, health, steve carlson, fandom, sophia bush, richard dean anderson, jared padalecki

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