Nov 19, 2013 13:57
I have never been so glad to get to Birmingham New Street as I was the last two mornings - talk about horrific train journeys. Both yesterday and today, Arriva Trains Wales decided to only put on two-carriage-trains - now consider this is the main commuter train into Birmingham of a moring and it's usually a four-carriage train that's just adequate.
Yesterday morning was standing room only, absolutely packed. I think sardines have more freaking space. I literally didn't have room to breathe; my back was against the door and my boobs pressed into someone else. Yeah. Cue a nice little panic attack, and feeling light-headed all day. I'm also out of practice of the mile walk from the train station to the office, followed by the four flights of stairs to my desk.
Yeah, yesterday was not pleasant.
It then got worse when I found out my minion had... um... worked three or four days in the last two and a half weeks. Pretty much nothing got done and poor FQ didn't know if he was coming or going!
It took me three hours to sort out my emails, a couple hours to sort out my UK stuff. I spent a couple of hours sorting the worldwide stuff, and finished that this morning. I just... *headdesk*
I did, however, get my phone back, which was a wonderful wonderful thing. I missed it *pets it* I had a lovely evening yesterday sorting out my settings, my wallpaper, my ringtones, my applications. And now it is mine again and it works.
The train wasn't quite as bad today. It was again a half-size train but I think I managed to grab like the last seat, so was at least able to read my book and listen to music - which helped stave off the panic of the aisle being crammed full of people.
Not fun.
This afternoon will involve continuing to sort out the fuckups of the last couple weeks, organising payment runs, hunting directors and continuing to try not to scream.
Then tonight, I should hopefully be able to post my second SG1 fic.
Ahh the excitement of me! LMAO