Rest days mid-Shenanigans, when all you do is watch 12 episodes of SG1 and read Jack/Daniel porn are wonderful wonderful things. My whole body seems to be much happier with me - but that's also due to own bed and
ravensword's TENS unit.
Not liking the whole S6 of SG1. I mean, there's some good storylines, and I'm growing to like Jonas Quinn but the lack of Daniel is sadly making. I keep wanting to hug Jack, he's so... idk... angry and suicidal and he doesn't have the humanising balance of Daniel, or something
Lets see, so far these Shenanigans have included: Stables Market in Camden, Highgate cemetary, a Steve Carlson gig, OMS, Stratford-Upon-Avon, The National Gallery, The National Portrait Gallery, London Zoo, a Christian Kane gig, SG1 watching, The Tower Of London, Vampire Ball 4, Gary & Raintown M&G and gig, fun times with friends, St Paul's Cathedral, all the walking, all the stairs, all the giggling, all the history geekin... and a fuckload of punchdrunkenness.
I shall tell you all about all of it, just not right now. Mostly I wanted to get it all down so I don't start forgetting shit!
Today, we are going to Stoke so Amara can take photos of kitties.